Chances are, no one likes going to any dentist, even for routine care; you might be even more hesitant to have a dental emergency treated, being afraid of any pain or wondering if you'll get quality dental care at a clinic. No matter your hesitation, it's good to have any dental emergency checked as quickly as possible, to avoid added injury to your teeth or mouth and to ensure your overall health. Note a few questions about seeing an emergency dentist so you know what's involved in these services and know what to discuss with the dentist during your treatment.

Can a person be put to sleep during an emergency treatment?

If you're afraid of dental services or are very sensitive to pain, you may wonder if an emergency dentist can put you to sleep during treatment. Note that giving a person any type of medication or treatment to render them unconscious is a complicated process, and usually requires the oversight of an anaesthesiologist, who monitors a patient's vital signs and adjusts that medication or gas during the treatment. This might be done during a dental surgery, but may not be recommended during more minor types of treatment.

However, an emergency dentist might administer nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, which helps to relax you and which numbs the pain. There may also be topical treatments and medications that can be injected into the gums, to numb the teeth and mouth. Whatever the options, don't let this fear keep you from getting emergency dental treatment when needed.

What is a resident?

Some emergency dental clinics will have dental residents provide services, under the supervision of dental specialists. A resident has already received a dental license, so he or she is an actual dentist, but they may be looking to get added training in emergency dental procedures. If you're concerned about their treatment, note that they typically can skilfully handle the treatment you need and are always supervised during that work.

What do you need to bring to an emergency appointment?

Even an emergency dentist may need to prescribe medications after your treatment, or administer medications before treatment begins, either to numb the pain or to reduce the risk of an infection. He or she will then need to know of any medications you're taking, as well as allergies and medical conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Bring this medical information with you when you see an emergency dentist, so you know there will be no adverse side effects to the medication you may be given at your appointment.
