When you have a toothache, it is normal to talk to your friends and family about it and do some research on the internet. Unfortunately, the stories most people hear and read on the internet are enough to send shivers down the spine. Therefore, you should only speak to a licenced dentist about a root canal procedure because they will reassure you that there is nothing to fear. It is a dentist's role to help patients weed out the facts from fiction. This article highlights some of the most surprising misconceptions about root canals and sets the record straight.

Instantaneous Pain Relief

Pain, even after a root canal procedure, is perhaps one of the main reasons most patients don't see a dentist. If you believe you will experience instant pain relief when you leave a dentist's office after a root canal, you are mistaken. In fact, a professional dentist will let their client know — before the procedure — that they should expect some mild pain. Notably, you will notice some reduction in pain after a root canal, but it can last for about a week before it disappears completely. The lingering pain can be attributed to inflammation of the periodontal ligament after the procedure. Luckily, you can manage post-root canal pain with a painkillers prescription.

Root Canal Is Only Necessary For Painful Teeth

Most people believe that a root canal is only necessary for a painful tooth. It is easy to sit back and relax when the pain subsides. However, it is the last thing you should do because the consequences can be dire. For instance, a less painful tooth might be caused by dying pulp and nerve endings. Therefore, failure to see a dentist allows an infection to continue eating away at the affected tooth. When most of the enamel disappears, the only other option is extraction. Therefore, if you notice that a decaying tooth is getting less painful, you still need to see a dentist for a root canal procedure. It protects the live tissues of the affected tooth and prevents the spread of infection.

Dead Teeth Do Not Need A Root Canal

Besides the enamel, tooth anatomy comprises nerves and other soft tissue that can get infected. Therefore, although a dead tooth does not feel or receive blood supply, bacteria can still thrive in it and infect adjacent teeth. Therefore, you're mistaken if you think a root canal on a dead tooth is useless. On the contrary, root canal procedures on a dead tooth protect the surrounding teeth, bones and tissues. The procedure cleans necrotic debris from the dead tooth and seals the cavity, making it difficult for bacteria to thrive.

For more information, turn to a local dentist.
