Between dentist visits, everyone is aware of the importance of a proper at-home oral care routine. Brushing twice a day, flossing, rinsing and avoiding too much sugary or acidic food is the main part of caring for your teeth, and dentists are always reminding their patients of how much all of this matters.
But it's not the whole story.
Diet is a big part of health, and people are often keen to eat the right things to maintain a healthy weight and avoid certain diseases. However, what you eat matters for your teeth, too. It's not just leaving out the bad foods that makes a difference, but including things in your meals to help your teeth stay healthy. Here are some food choices that are great for oral health.
Leafy greens
Parents around the world know how healthy greens are, which is why they're always trying to get their children to eat them. Because they're so packed full of nutrients, leafy greens should really form a significant part of any diet, but their calcium content does wonders for your teeth. This is particularly important if you don't consume dairy products.
An excellent but surprising source of both calcium and phosphorous, two substances that work together to strengthen enamel and keep teeth healthy. Tofu is really versatile, and can be put in stir fries and curries, or just sliced up and fried on its own.
Pumpkin seeds
Another great source of phosphorous, pumpkin seeds can also help you avoid snacking on unhealthy foods like chips and sweets.
Celery's high water content helps you produce plenty of saliva as you eat it, which is an important part of minimising the harmful bacteria in your mouth. As a bonus, the firm texture can even remove some plaque from your teeth as you chew.
Vitamin C is widely known as an important part of maintaining a healthy immune system, but it does a lot more for the human body than just that. This particular vitamin is essential for gum health. In extreme cases, a lack of vitamin C can leave to scurvy and tooth loss, which is why sailors used to carry limes onboard ships. Oranges are a bit nicer to eat, though.
Tea contains something called polyphenols, which actually reduce the ability of bacteria to breed in your mouth. Whether it's black or green tea, having a couple of cups a day is sure to help you maintain a healthy mouth.