Braces are widely used in orthodontics to address teeth misalignment, bite concerns and jaw complications. They have been used for decades and are now much more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing than before. However, if you're considering getting braces, you may have some questions about how it works and what to expect.

This blog post will provide you with everything you need to know about brace installation, its benefits and how to take care of them. 

How It Works

The first step in getting braces is a consultation with an orthodontist to assess your teeth and suggest the best treatment plan. If the orthodontist suggests braces, they will take impressions of your teeth to make personalised brackets and wires. In the upcoming appointment, the orthodontist will place the brackets on your teeth using an adhesive and thread the wire through them. The wire will apply pressure to your teeth, gradually shifting them into the correct alignment. You will need to visit your orthodontist every few weeks for adjustments and replace the wire periodically to maintain progress.

Benefits of Braces

Braces may not be the most discreet orthodontic treatment, but they are the most effective at treating severe misalignments, crowding and jaw problems. Braces can correct issues that other treatments might not, such as malocclusions and jaw growth discrepancies. Braces are also more affordable than other treatments, making them a popular choice for patients who want to invest in their dental health without breaking the bank. Plus, braces are easy to maintain with regular brushing and flossing and won't stain or discolour.

What to Expect

Getting braces usually takes over an hour and doesn't require anesthesia. You may experience some discomfort or soreness in the first few days as your mouth adjusts to the braces' pressure and the brackets rubbing against your cheeks and tongue. However, over-the-counter pain relievers and saltwater rinses can alleviate the discomfort. You may need to change your diet to soft and non-sticky foods and avoid hard and chewy snacks that could damage the braces. Rest assured, your dentist will furnish you with a comprehensive list of foods to refrain from consuming during your treatment.

How to Take Care of Your Braces

Taking care of your braces is essential to ensure that they work effectively and prevent cavities, gum disease and bad breath. To keep your oral hygiene in check, make sure to brush your teeth and braces multiple times a day, utilising a soft-bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste. Floss between the braces and wire using floss threaders and waxed floss to remove plaque and food particles. Steer clear of sugary and acidic food and beverages that can damage your tooth enamel and lead to the formation of white spots. Freshen your breath and eliminate germs and bacteria by using an antiseptic mouthwash to rinse your mouth.

Reach out to an orthodontist to learn more about getting braces in your area.
