There are a number of things you can do to keep your teeth in good condition. Read on to find out what these things are.

Have them professionally cleaned on a regular basis

Going for a scale-and-polish at least twice a year can prevent the condition of your teeth from deteriorating.

The first stage of this cleaning process (i.e. the ''scaling'') involves the dentist using sharp dental instruments to scrape the hardened plaque (known as 'tartar'') off the surface of each tooth.

Removing this tartar build-up prevents it from eroding the tooth enamel. This, in turn, not only minimises the risk of cavities developing but also ensures that the tooth's dentin layer (which is located directly below the enamel) does not start to show through.

This is a particularly important point to note if you are concerned about the appearance of your teeth, as dentin has a rather unattractive yellow-brownish hue. As such, if you don't bother going for regular cleanings, your tooth enamel could wear away and you may find yourself left with a set of extremely discoloured teeth that resemble those of a heavy smoker.

The second stage involves polishing the teeth with a slightly abrasive paste and a rotating brush, in order to thoroughly remove any sticky plaque and superficial stains (caused by things like wine, tea and coffee) from each tooth's surface.

Whilst the polishing process will not deliver the same results as a professional whitening treatment, it will leave your teeth looking naturally white and feeling extremely clean.

Get orthodontic treatment if your teeth overlap

It's a common misconception that the sole purpose of orthodontics is to improve the appearance of a person's teeth. The truth is that undergoing orthodontic treatment to straighten your teeth will not only make them look better but will also drastically reduce your risk of developing serious oral health conditions in the future.

The reason for this is as follows; crooked teeth tend to be much harder to clean than ones which are perfectly straight, as the gaps between them are usually extremely narrow.

Because these gaps are so small, you may struggle to fit a string of floss or the bristles of your toothbrush into them. This, in turn, can result in food and plaque getting trapped in these areas of the mouth.

Rotting food left between your teeth could result in chronic halitosis, whilst the plaque could cause both cavities and gum disease.

Receiving orthodontic treatment can prevent all of these issues, by ensuring that your teeth are even and straight, and are, therefore, easy to keep clean.
